Ohio Giwa-Amu A.K.A Karaoke Captain is the Regional Director for Africa and the Country Director for Nigeria in the Karaoke ldols Organization.
In this interview, he shares his thoughts on the upcoming Karaoke Idol Competition in the country and the need for the world to embrace Karaoke kind of music in the entertainment space. Excerpt:
What is the karaoke idol all about?
The Karaoke Idol is the latest and fastest-expanding global karaoke competition with an active presence in the six major regions of the world. It was founded by an ex-karaoke world champion Garvaundo Hamilton, with its headquarters in Seattle Washington USA.
It is an annual competition that culminates in the selection of a global karaoke idol who in regular terms is the best performing karaoke individual on the globe amongst thousands of entrants worldwide.
Beyond the singing and spectacular performances it is an activity that unites people from different backgrounds and it also serves as a platform that showcases trends, lifestyles, culture, and traditions.
What's the inspiration behind it?
Karaoke idols were inspired by the need to rebrand karaoke and make it more exciting and appealing to more people. Operated on a "for profit" basis, it focuses on rewarding all entities that jointly co-exist in the karaoke space i.e. the customers who engage as contestants, the Lounges who provide the venues where these activities take place, and all the other affiliated brands. It was further inspired by the need to create a unique niche for karaoke singers; that completely sets them apart from contestants at other major singing competitions like the Voice, The Idols, Project Fame, etc.
Unveiling the Soul of Karaoke with Ohio Giwa-Amu | RocketparrotNews Exclusive #entertainment #music.
Karaoke is gaining popularity in this century, what's the economic impact of the music on the entertainment industry?
The Karaoke platform is the best breeding ground for any thriving music industry. Karaokeing whether privately at home or in a lounge provides a confidence-building and morale-boosting platform seriously required by any intending amateur singer and at almost no cost for that matter. Beyond this, it serves as a practice ground to improve on singing styles and skills. Karaoke's rise to global prominence took a phenomenal upsurge right after covid 19. Rising from almost obscurity in the early 90s to becoming the number one lounge activity globally; and in Nigeria, experiencing a growth trend of three new lounges opening every week serve a great impact in the nation’s economy.
The economic impact on the music industry is macro and cuts deep through all interacting players. Is it the increase in the number of new singers who seek to try out for the first time and use it as a learning platform, the revenue raked in by the companies involved in catering and drinks, or the millions of dollars involved in the procurement of necessary electronic equipment or the commissions made by the providers of payment platforms that originate from the activity? The economic impact is so enormous.
What are the criteria for becoming a karaoke global icon?
l must mention categorically that to become the karaoke idol, a contestant needs to be a fantastic singer, but it is not only about the voice but all other things you do with that voice, your appearance, and how well the contestants can theatrically seize that very moment on stage that, separates the winner from the pack. An idol in the literal sense is an adorable person so that quality as it relates to karaoke must be exhibited on stage and in character. Keep in mind always that karaoke is fun and we have no intentions of removing that bit from the competition.
Is youth involvement in karaoke a necessity?
Apart from the opportunity for bonding and creating relationships, karaoke fosters the much-needed elementary steps in choosing a musical career. Music is the new gold and apart from being a means of expression, it has taken over centre stage at the global level. it is indeed a vocation that accounts for several billions of dollars to the music industry annually so why ignore it?
How can the government and meaningful agencies come in?
Given the potentials that exist in the sector, the government must understand that karaoke is a major component in the music industry as well as the hospitality industry. These two account a whole lot for revenue streams especially as it affects the growth and development of the tourism industry.
The government can assist by further creating an enabling environment for these to thrive while such meaningful agencies can contribute their fair share by promoting the vocation in any way possible.