A heartbreaking late-night fire at a maternity clinic in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, has resulted in the tragic loss of four newborns, officials confirmed on Tuesday. The country's authoritarian leader has pledged personal involvement in overseeing the investigation into the devastating incident.
Images released by the emergency services depict rescuers working tirelessly in the dark to evacuate patients in incubators from the Republican Perinatal Center in Baku, transferring them to waiting ambulances. Alongside the infant fatalities, three individuals were reported to have been poisoned by smoke during the incident, as stated by the emergencies ministry.
Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev, cited in local media reports, noted that the fire erupted at 03:05 local time (2305 GMT) but was swiftly brought under control. The details surrounding the cause of the blaze and the circumstances leading up to the tragedy are now under intense scrutiny as authorities initiate a comprehensive investigation.
The devastating incident has prompted a swift response from Azerbaijan's leadership, with the country's authoritarian leader expressing a personal commitment to overseeing the investigation. As the community grapples with the loss of young lives and the broader implications for maternal and infant healthcare, questions are being raised about the safety measures in place at the maternity clinic and the urgent need for preventative measures to avert such tragedies in the future.