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Opera's Aria AI Can Now Summarize Web Pages on Android

بواسطة Samuel O . Adeniyi 6 مايو 2024 0

Opera's built-in AI assistant, Aria, expands its capabilities on Android with the ability to summarize text-based web pages.

This new feature offers quick, condensed overviews of news articles, blog posts, or research papers, typically fitting the summary onto a single screen.

Announced on Monday on its updates platform, Opera said this tool aims to streamline information gathering and highlight key details for users.

To use it, open a text-based web page, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the Opera Android browser, and select the "Summarize" option next to the Aria icon.

A chat window with Aria will then display the generated summary.

To access this feature, ensure you have the latest version of Opera for Android and are logged into an Opera account (or create a new one).

Aria debuted last year as an AI search companion, featuring a chatbot-like interface for answering user queries.

Opera has steadily expanded Aria's functionality through its AI Feature Drops Program, which grants early access to new capabilities.

Recent updates include image generation with Google's Imagen2 and the option to have text answers read aloud.

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