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Presidents Day: Celebrating The Legacy Of America's Leaders

بواسطة Oluwakemi Ademuyiwa 19 فبراير 2024 0

The United States of America celebrates the Presidents’ Day today, February 19, 2024 in honor of their past leaders.

The day was initially established in 1879 to honor George's Washington's birthday, but has now evolved into a celebration of all U.S. presidents. Although, the federal government however still officially recognizes the holiday as "Washington's Birthday." Feb. 22 became a day of remembrance, eventually becoming an unofficial observance in the 1800s after Washington died in 1799.

In 1879, Senator Stephen Wallace Dorsey proposed making it a federal holiday, President Rutherford B. Hayes signed it into law. Today, Presidents Day is celebrated on the third Monday in February, thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act.

The celebration of Washington’s birthday was combined with Abraham Lincoln's on Feb. 12 with the Uniform Holiday Bill in 1971. This led to Americans viewing the day as a tribute to both presidents.

As a federal holiday, most federal workers have the day off, leading to increased travel to national landmarks such as the Washington Monument and Mount Rushmore.

In 2023, the U.S. Census Bureau highlighted interesting facts about places named after presidents. As of 2020, the U.S. boasts 94 places named "Washington," 72 named "Lincoln," and 67 named for Andrew Jackson, despite his controversial legacy.

The day serves as a reminder of the nation's history and a time to honor the individuals who have led the country.

As we celebrate Presidents Day this year, consider visiting a national park that honors a former president. From birthplaces like Kennedy's and Hoover's to places of post-presidential solace like Van Buren's, Eisenhower's, and Johnson's, there are many options to explore. 

Fun fact: Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer before his political career, and Gerald R. Ford is the only president to have served as a park ranger.

Here are some neat facts about Presidents Day and our parks that honor their life and legacy:

  • The Presidents' Day began in 1885 in honor of President George Washington’s birthday. His birthday was on February 22, 1732.
  • Washington's birthplace is a national monument located in Colonial Beach, VA.
  • The federal government still officially calls the day, Washington’s Birthday.
  • President Ulysses S. Grant established Yellowstone as the first national park.
  • President Theodore Roosevelt has the most national parks named in his honor, followed closely by Lincoln.
  • Adams National Historical Park was the birthplace of two presidents: John Adams and John Quincy Adams.
  • The most recent presidential birthplace added to the National Park System belonged to William Jefferson Clinton.
  • The American Presidents have 35 parks named after them.

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