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Tanzania Floods Kill 58 People As Heavy Rainfall Persists

بواسطة Benedicta Bassey 16 أبريل 2024 0

As incessant rains persist across nations of the world, Tanzania is not left out as floods wreak havoc claiming the lives of 58 individuals over the past two weeks.

According to government report, coastal areas are the most affected, with over 126,000 people impacted.

Efforts to aid affected communities are underway, with essential supplies, including food, being distributed according to Mobhare Matinyi, a government spokesperson.

Tanzania announces plans for the construction of 14 dams to mitigate future flooding as the region grapples with heavy rains, with neighboring Kenya also witnessing deadly floods, claiming at least 13 lives.

Infrastructure damage prompts calls for residents in flood-prone zones to relocate, as meteorologists anticipate peak rainfall by month’s end.

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