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Sad Tale: How Nigeria's Military Failed Intelligence Caused Scores Of Civilians Death

بواسطة Samuel O . Adeniyi 13 ديسمبر 2023 0

The Nigerian sky, once a canvas of boundless hope, now bears the chilling etchings of tragedy caused by military failed intelligence.

For six years, Nigeria's military fight against insurgency has through failed intelligence caused scores of civilian deaths.

From Rann's massacre in 2017 to Goneri's in 2022, each airstrike and artillery blast echoes with questions of accountability.

Military Bombing in Rann, Borno State - January 17, 2017

The year 2017 began with a gut-wrenching tragedy. Rann, a haven for internally displaced persons (IDPs) fleeing the Boko Haram insurgency, became a graveyard in the blink of an eye. On January 17th,

Mistakenly targeted by Nigerian Air Force jets, a camp was bombed, claiming 100+ lives, including civilians, aid workers, and children.

This incident, forever etched in the nation's memory, marked a grim turning point in the fight against insurgency, raising serious concerns about the protection of civilians in conflict zones.

Sakotoku, Borno State - April 15, 2020

The echoes of Rann's devastation reverberated through the years. In 2020, Sakotoku village in Borno State became another victim of a friendly fire.

On April 15th, an airstrike targeting insurgents tragically claimed the lives of at least 12 civilians, including children.

The cries of the wounded replaced the laughter of innocence, and survivors fell into bewildered silence.

Mainok, Borno State - April 17, 2021

The year 2021 witnessed another heart-wrenching incident in Mainok, a town yearning for peace. On April 17th, an airstrike targeting militants ripped through a residential area. A pregnant woman, her unborn child still a whisper within, was among the casualties, a stark reminder of the indiscriminate nature of war and the fragility of life.

Ngarbuwa, Borno State - June 1, 2021

The scars of war continued to deepen. In June 2021, Ngarbuwa village became the next entry in this grim timeline.

An airstrike targeting insurgents resulted in the deaths of at least 10 civilians, including children.

Grief shrouded the village, once a symbol of resilience, with unanswered questions echoing through its streets from grieving families.

Military Bombing in Buhari, Yobe State - September 20, 2021

The geographical scope of the tragedy widened in September 2021. Buhari village in Yobe State became the next victim of misdirected bombs.

At least 11 civilians, including women and children, lost their lives in an airstrike targeting militants. Each life lost represented a shattered dream, a family torn apart, and a community left grappling with the weight of loss.

Goneri, Yobe State - February 17, 2022

The year 2022 brought no respite. A military airstrike struck Goneri village in Yobe State on February 17th, resulting in the deaths of at least 17 civilians, including children.

The incident sparked outrage and renewed demands for accountability, highlighting the urgent need for improved intelligence gathering and adherence to the principles of distinction and proportionality in armed conflict.

Borono, Borno State - March 23, 2022

The final entry in this tragic timeline comes from Borono village in Borno State. On March 23rd, 2022, shelling by the Nigerian military resulted in the deaths of at least 15 civilians.

This incident, occurring just months after Goneri, served as a grim reminder that the cycle of violence continues, leaving ordinary citizens caught in the crossfire.

These are just a few examples of the many civilian casualties caused by Nigerian military actions in the past six years.

The actual number of lives lost is likely much higher, with many incidents going unreported due to limited access to conflict zones and fear of reprisals.

This timeline is not merely a collection of dates and locations; it is a testament to the human cost of war.

It is a call to action, a demand for accountability, and a plea for a future where innocent lives are not lost in the pursuit of security.

We must not let these tragedies fade into the pages of history. We must remember the victims, honor their memory, and work towards a future where the Nigerian sky is safe.

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